Credential Applications
Infant Toddler
Resource & Referral
Early Childhood Inclusion
MECIC Professional Development
MECIC offers professional development on best practices for teaching young children with disabilities in the early childhood environment. Earn Contact Hours for FREE!!! Professional development is offered for directors, infant and toddler teachers, and preschool teachers. MECIC: Resource and Referral offers early childhood inclusion trainings. Join MECIC for a variety of training opportunities!
Technical Assistance
Call 601.266.4745 to request on-site assistance as needed to ensure success for all children.
Technical assistance topics:
Supporting Engagement of Children with Special Needs
Documenting and Communicating Concerns with Families
Addressing Positive Behavior Supports
Meeting Sensory Needs of Students with Autism
Increasing Language and Communication for Children with Special Needs
Responsive Caregiving and Nurturing Relationships (Infant/Toddler CLASS TA)
Classroom Organization and Instructional Support (Preschool CLASS TA)
Funded by the Mississippi Department of Human Services, MECIC meets the needs of early childhood educators, families, and young children with disabilities by providing high quality early childhood inclusion.